CGR Alloy Coatings

By using a small amount of Al (0.2%) in the zinc bath, CGR Systems produces a coating that is almost entirely zinc. There is only a 0.1 micron intermetallic alloy layer (Fe2Al5-xZnx) at the zinc/steel interface. The very thin alloy layer is equivalent to that of continuously galvanized sheet products. It adheres well and can be bent or stretched without cracking. It does not peel or flake.
The CGR process coats the steel quickly to the molten zinc before cooling. The total time the steel is at the temperature of the molten zinc (465 °C) is 4 to 5 seconds. That includes preheating. This allows all grades of steel to be galvanized without becoming brittle. Any stress to the bar by a straightening process prior to coating are relieved in the preheating process. All grades of steel will have the same coating of pure zinc. CGR Systems produces coatings that meet ASTM A1094 standards.

CGR Systems can automatically produce conventional hot dip galvanized coatings on reinforcing bars and profiles in accordance with the following standards:

The CGR coated bar can be bent, stretched, twisted or otherwise fabricated after it is galvanized without cracking or flaking. The CGR process produces a flexible galvanized coating without thick zinc-iron alloy layers. Zinc is not lost due to brittleness.

Fabricating CGR after galvanizing reduces transportation, manufacturing, and fabrication costs. Costs related to last minute site modifications and revisions are also reduced. This saves our customers time and money.